On the 25th October 2022, G-CLNK, an ATR72, was in a flight from Jersey to East Midlands. On the approach to East Midlands runway 09 there was a slight crosswind from 150 degrees at 10 knots.

On the approach, the pilot had placed the airplane into a crab, pointing towards the crosswind and the approach was stabilized at 1000 feet. The rest of the approach was uneventful.

However, once the aircraft touched down the aircraft began to swerve to the right and the right wing lifted. The commander then handed control over to the co-pilot and attempted to apply left tiller as well as left braking, and the aircraft slowly responded and began to straighten up. This landing roll also resulted in one of the left runway edge lights being broken as well as damage to the nose steering wheel, which subsequently had to be replaced.

An investigation by the AAIB and the aircraft operator determined that the probable cause of the accident was a lack of into-wind aileron input. This is the potential cause of the aircraft’s path being altered from the runway centreline, and would have explained the right wing being lifted. They deduced that it was the co-pilots input of left rudder and left wheel braking that prevented the aircraft from fully vacating the runway.

The operator stated that it was likely that the pilot flying did not use an into-wind aileron input as the pilot flying might have thought that the crosswind was too little for this input to be necessary, however, this runway excursion may have been caused by a weather vane created from the crosswind, which the pilot flying would have been unaware of

To view the full AAIB investigation report, click here

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